Privacy policy
Version as of 1 September 2023
This privacy policy gives you an overview of how your data is processed by Familie Wiesner Gastronomie AG (hereinafter referred to as FWG). It applies to all websites, apps and other services offered by FWG.
If you have a question about this privacy statement or about data protection at FWG, you can contact our data protection team at Please also send an email to our data protection team if you wish to exercise your right of access or data deletion or any other data protection right, including revocation of consent for marketing purposes, unsubscribing from the newsletter, etc. You can find more information in the sections What data protection rights do I have? and Contact persons.
How you can read this privacy statement: We offer you several ways to read this privacy statement. First, you will find some basic information in this section. Then we have sorted this privacy policy according to topics relevant to you and divided it into individual chapters accordingly. If you are already a "pro", you can jump directly to individual chapters via the following selection menu.
What data does the FWG process?
What does the FWG use my data for?
Personalised services
Website and app information
Info on social media fanpages
Individual product recommendations by e-mail and push service
How does FWG use my data for advertising?
Who will my data be passed on to?
What data protection rights do I have?
When will my data be deleted?
How does the FWG protect my data?
Changes to this privacy policy
Changes to this privacy policy
Notes on cookies & scripts (cookie policy)
We have prefaced each chapter with a short overview text. This overview text briefly summarises the content of the chapter. If you only want to get a quick overview of all data processing, it is advisable to read the overview texts. If you want to familiarise yourself with the details, you can read the respective subheadings below the respective overview text. You will then be shown the complete contents of the chapter step by step.
We have avoided cross-references as often as possible. This way, you will get all the information explained coherently, no matter which chapter you are currently in. However, if you read this privacy statement from the beginning to the end, you will notice some repetition of text. However, we could not completely avoid a few cross-references.
To which services and offers does this privacy policy apply: The way we at FWG process your data is similar for most of our offers. This privacy policy therefore applies to all services and benefits that we offer our guests. And it applies regardless of whether we do this via a website, an app, in restaurants or via social networks or other channels. To make it easier to understand, we use the term "services" for this "normal case". However, there are also services where we process your data differently or for specific purposes. This may be due to the nature of a service or country-specific requirements. When we refer to these cases (i.e. "deviations from the normal case"), we call them "service-specific".
Finally, it is important to note that the FWG is not just a single company. The FWG is a group and therefore consists of a number of companies and/or restaurants. Not all of these companies or restaurants offer you services or process your data. To simplify matters, only the Wiesner Gastronomie AG companies that are actually involved in processing your data are listed below. Where reference is made below to "FWG", "we" or "us", this refers to the respective responsible companies of Familie Wiesner Gastronomie AG.
List of FWG companies and brands:
- Familie Wiesner Gastronomie AG, Zürichstrasse 131, 8600 Dübendorf, Switzerland - including the restaurant brands:
- Negishi Sushi Bar
- Nooch Asian Kitchen
- Kitchen Republic
- Miss Miu
- The Butcher
- Outback Lodge
- FWG-Treuhand
- FWG (Management) AG, Zürichstrasse 131, 8600 Dübendorf, Schweiz
- FWG-Foundation, Zürichstrasse 131, 8600 Dübendorf, Schweiz
What you will learn in this privacy statement:
- What data is stored by the FWG.
- What we do with this data and what it is needed for.
- What your privacy rights and choices are.
- What technologies and data we use to personalise and tailor our services and content to provide you with a safe, easy, seamless and personalised experience.
- What technologies and data we use for advertising, including tracking technologies used.
What data does the FWG process?
FWG offers you a wide range of services, which you can also use in different ways. Depending on whether you contact us online, by phone, in person or in any other way and which services you use, different data from different sources will be collected. Much of the data we process is provided by you when you use our services or contact us, for example when you register and provide your name, email address or postal address. We also receive technical device and access data that is automatically collected by us when you interact with our services. This may include, for example, information about which device you are using. We collect further data through our own data analyses (e.g. as part of guest surveys or by evaluating customer data). We may also receive data about you from third parties, for example payment service providers and delivery partners.
When we talk about "your data", we mean personal data. This is any information that would allow us to identify you immediately or by combining it with other information. Examples: your name, your telephone number, your customer number, order numbers or your email address. Any information that does not allow us to identify you (even in combination with other information) is considered non-personal data. Non-personal data is also referred to as anonymous data. If we combine your personal data with anonymous data, all data in that data set is considered personal data. If we delete the personal data from a piece of information or a data set about you, the remaining data in that data set is no longer considered personal data. This process is called anonymisation. As a general rule, if we ask you to provide certain personal information, you can of course refuse to do so. You decide which information you give us. However, it is possible that we will then not be able to provide you with the desired services (or not in the best possible way). For example, we may not be able to make deliveries if you do not provide a delivery address. If only certain information is required in connection with a service (mandatory information), we will inform you of this by marking it accordingly.
Profile data
Profile data is personal and demographic information about you (so-called master data) and your individual interests that you provide to us when you register for your customer account. Your profile data includes, for example:
- your first and last name
- your contact details
- your preferences, e.g. regarding eating habits, etc.
- Demographic information such as your gender, age and place of residence.
Mandatory details are usually your name, your email address, your contact details and a password of your choice. Your email address and password will later form your login data. For the use of restricted, paid or personalised services, further mandatory data may also be required, such as your date of birth or your title.
Profile data may also include further information about yourself and your interests. This information may already be collected during registration for the service or may only be added later. This is the case, for example, if you later add voluntary information to your profile or if you want to use your customer account to register for a service that requires additional mandatory information.
Contact details
When you contact us, we collect your contact details. Depending on how you contact us (e.g. by phone or email), your contact details may include your name, postal addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, details of your social media profiles (for example, we may receive your Facebook ID if you contact us via Facebook), usernames and similar contact details.
Purchasing data
When you order something from FWG or consume it on site in a restaurant, we collect your purchase data where possible. Purchase data may include the following information, depending on the type of sale and processing status:
- Order number
- Details of food and drink purchased
- Details of method of payment
- Delivery and billing addresses
- Messages and communications relating to purchases (e.g. complaints and messages to customer service)
- Delivery and payment status, e.g. "Completed" or "Shipped".
- Details of service providers involved in the execution of the contract (for delivery orders, for example, shipment numbers of courier companies)
Payment data
We offer you the usual payment methods in online commerce - in particular credit card, TWINT, Boncard or purchase on account (after a successful credit check and only at the guest's request). For the payment process, we collect the payment data provided by you - however, this data is not stored by us. We receive further payment data from external payment service providers and credit agencies with whom we cooperate for payment processing and credit checks (only for purchase on account). We only pass on data to our payment service providers that is necessary for processing the payment.
Payment data are for example:
- Preferred payment method
- Billing addresses
- Credit card data
- Creditworthiness data
Payment data also includes other information that accrues in direct connection with payment processing and credit assessment. This concerns, for example, information that external payment service providers use for identification.
Creditworthiness data consists of our own records of your previous payment behaviour towards all FWG companies and of score values that we obtain about you from external credit agencies if you apply for purchase on account with us. Creditworthiness data makes statements about the estimated economic capacity and willingness to perform of a person. This helps companies to avoid payment defaults that occur when customers are unable to meet their payment obligations on time or at all. At the same time, taking creditworthiness data into account when selecting payment methods is intended to prevent us from offering our customers payment methods that cannot be offered to them and to prevent our customers from entering into payment obligations that they themselves cannot fulfil. Creditworthiness data is usually determined by so-called credit agencies. From the various data, the credit agencies then calculate a so-called score value, which takes into account, among other things, existing payment obligations and, if applicable, previous payment defaults. Score values are statistically based estimates of a person's future risk of default and are presented as a numerical value, such as a percentage. We only have limited influence on the data processing of external credit agencies (e.g. when we provide credit agencies with information about unfulfilled payment obligations).
Who will my data be passed on to? you will find information about external payment service providers. There you may also find special data protection information that we provide on behalf of the respective payment service providers.
Interest data
When you interact with our services, we collect data that tells us what content, topics, products, product types or brands you are interested in. For example, we can deduce which products and product categories you are interested in from shopping data, wish list contents and your age (insofar as this information is available to us) and through comparisons with users with similar characteristics. This way, we can show you the products that are most likely to be relevant to you first on your next visit.
In addition to the interests you communicate directly, we may also infer your interests from other data we collect. For example, if you repeatedly visit a certain section of the online shops, we can infer your interests from your access data as part of the usage analysis (e.g. we can infer that you may be interested in vegan food if you regularly filter for vegan products or order or view products from this category).
In addition, we also receive information and statistics on demographics (such as age, gender, region), device and access data as well as the interests of our users from our external advertising partners for this purpose. We make sure that our advertising partners only provide aggregated, encrypted or anonymous data to FWG, so that we cannot attribute the data to any specific person, in particular to any specific user. This information can help us to better understand our users, for example in the context of customer structure analyses and user segmentation.
For more information on the processing of your data for advertising purposes, see How does FWG use my data for advertising?
Messages, conversation content
If you communicate with us or other users about products (e.g. product reviews) and other topics by telephone, post, social media services, contact forms or in any other way, we will record the content of your communications. If you send us messages for other users via functions provided for this purpose (e.g. product reviews), these may also be published by us within our services.
FWG also uses the services of social networks such as Facebook, Instagram or TikTok to communicate with customers and users. We use these popular platforms to offer you further contact and information options in addition to our own communication channels. Please note, however, that we have no influence on the terms of use of the social networks and the services they offer, and only very limited influence on their data processing. We therefore ask you to carefully check which personal data you share with us via the social networks. We cannot influence the behaviour of the operators of the social networks, other users and third parties who may cooperate with the operators of the social networks or also use their services.
Social network data
The FWG maintains profile pages (also so-called "fan pages") in various social networks. In addition, functions of social networks may be integrated in the services of the FWG. These may be messenger services and so-called social plug-ins or social logins such as "Log in with Facebook". If you contact us directly via our social media profiles or use the functions of social networks integrated into our services and are a member of the respective social network, we may receive data from the operator of the social network with which you can be identified. As a rule, we can view the following data:
- Your public profile information (e.g. name, profile picture) stored with the respective social network.
- Details of the type of device you use
- The account ID of your profile with the respective network (e.g. Facebook ID)
Please also note the information on processing social network data in connection with social network functions under Info on websites and apps and Info on social media fanpages.
The FWG currently uses social plugins and or social logins from the following social networks:
- Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. You can find Facebook's privacy policy at
- Instagram LLC, 1601 Willow Rd, Menlo Park CA 94025, USA. You can find Instagram's privacy policy at
- LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Irland. DYou can find LinkedIn's privacy policy at
Information during actions and surveys
If you take part in a promotion (e.g. competition) or survey (e.g. customer satisfaction surveys) offered by FWG, we ask you for personal information. For example, if you enter a competition, we will usually ask you for your name and email address so that we can inform you if you win and to ensure that each participant only enters the competition once.
For some promotions and surveys, we may also ask you for more information. This may be the case, for example, if we are running a promotion with a partner and the partner needs information about you in order to provide you with the prize. In these cases, however, we will always inform you separately about the data required and how we will use it.
We use the application management system Jobeagle from ad io AG to receive and process applications. You can access the web portal of the FWG application management system at: The Application management system Jobeagle from ad io AG has service-specific data protection information, which you can access here:
Device and access data
When using online and mobile services, it is unavoidable that technical data is generated and processed in order to provide the functions and content offered and to display them on your device. We refer to this data collectively as "device and access data". Device and access data is generated every time you use an online and mobile service. It does not matter who the provider is. Device and access data therefore accrue, for example, when using:
- Websites
- Apps
- Social media fanpages
- Email newsletters (i.e. if your newsletter interaction is tracked)
- Location-based services
Die FWG erfasst zum einen Geräte- und Zugriffsdaten von Online- und mobilen Services, die von der FWG selbst angeboten werden (z.B. Webshops). Zum anderen kann die FWG Geräte- und Zugriffsdaten von Online- und mobilen Services anderer Unternehmen erhalten, sofern diese Social-Media- oder Werbepartner von der FWG sind oder an den gleichen Online-Werbenetzwerken (z.B. das „Google-Werbenetzwerk“ teilnehmen. Weitere Informationen findest du unter Wie nutzt die FWG meine Daten für Werbung? und Infos zu Social-Media-Fanpages.
On the one hand, FWG collects device and access data from online and mobile services offered by FWG itself (e.g. web shops). On the other hand, FWG may receive device and access data from online and mobile services of other companies, provided that these are social media or advertising partners of FWG or participate in the same online advertising networks (e.g. the "Google advertising network"). For more information, see How does FWG use my data for advertising? and Info on social media fan pages.
Device and access data includes the following categories:
- General device information, such as device type, operating system version, configuration settings (e.g. language settings, system permissions), internet connection information (e.g. mobile network name, connection speed) and app used (e.g. app name and version).
- Identification data (IDs), such as session IDs, cookie IDs, unique device identifiers (e.g. Google Advertising ID, Apple Ad ID), third-party account IDs (if you use social plug-ins or social logins) and other common internet technologies to recognise your web browser, device or a particular app installation.
- Access data that is automatically transmitted by apps and web browsers every time you access web servers and databases online (as part of so-called HTTP requests). This is standardised information on the requested content (such as the name and file type of a called file) as well as further information on the server access (such as transmitted data volume and error codes), on your device (e.g. device type, operating system, software versions, device identifiers, IP address, the previously visited page and the time of access.
What does the FWG use my data for?
The FWG processes your data in compliance with all applicable data protection laws. Of course, we observe the principles of data protection law for the processing of personal data. We therefore only process your data for the purposes explained in this data protection declaration or communicated when the data was collected. These are primarily the purchasing process and the provision, personalization and further development as well as the security of our services. In addition, we use your data within the framework of the strict Swiss and European data protection law, but also for other purposes, such as product development, scientific research (particularly in the areas of machine learning, artificial intelligence and deep learning) and market research, for the optimization of business processes that meet your needs Designing our services and for personalized advertising.
In this chapter we also inform you on which legal basis (legal basis) we process data for the individual purposes. Depending on the legal basis on which we process your data, you may be entitled to special data protection rights - in addition to your existing data protection rights such as the right to information. For example, in some cases you have the right to object to the processing of your data. For more information, see What data protection rights do I have?
Purchasing and providing online, local and personalized services
We process your data to the extent necessary to fulfill the contract and to provide and carry out other services you have requested, as described in this data protection declaration. The purposes of the data processing required in each case therefore depend on the purpose of the contract agreed with you (including our general terms and conditions and, if applicable, service-specific terms and conditions or terms of use) or the services you have requested.
The main purposes are:
- The provision, personalization and needs-based design of our services such as the FWG webshops (including their respective websites, apps and cross-device and cross-platform functions).
- The provision of local services, e.g. in restaurants.
- The implementation of customer loyalty programs such as “Rewardz by FWG”.
- The execution of purchase contracts and customer service including shipping and payment processing, receivables management and the processing of complaints and warranty cases.
- The provision of news, notifications, newsletters and other direct communication, to the extent that this is an integral part of our contractual services or the services you have requested. Ensuring the general security, operability and stability of our services, including defense against attacks.
- Non-promotional communication with you on technical, security and contract-related topics (e.g. fraud warnings, account suspension or contract changes).
- The issuance, redemption and delivery of FWG vouchers.
- Reservations in our restaurants
- The implementation of promotions and competitions.
The FWG uses the services of external payment service providers for payment processing. You can find information about external payment service providers under Who will my data be passed on to?
Legal basis: If the purpose is to carry out a contract agreed with you or to provide a service you have requested, the legal basis is Article 6 paragraph 1 letter b GDPR. Otherwise, the legal basis is Article 6 paragraph 1 letter f GDPR, whereby our legitimate interests lie in the purposes mentioned above. The legal basis in Swiss law can be found in Articles 6, 30 and 31 DSG.
Shopping personalization
We process your data to provide convenient and useful services that best meet your needs and interests. Since the offering in the FWG shops includes many products and brands, it is necessary that we present our content and offers in line with your needs so that you can find the products that you are actually interested in. This requires a user-specific assessment of the relevance of products and content.
To personalize shopping in the FWG shops, we use device and access data that we collect for usage analysis. We also use device and access data that we receive from advertising partners while you visit the FWG shops. If you are logged in to your customer account during your visit to the FWG shops, we also use profile data, interest data and purchase data for shopping personalization. We refer to this form of shopping personalization as onsite optimization. Only with such shopping personalization can we present you with relevant search results, product suggestions, style recommendations and other content that corresponds to your actual interests. Without such shopping personalization, as is now carried out as standard by many online shops, the search for products that are relevant to you would be less convenient, more time-consuming and the benefit of our offer for you would be less. Of course, you still have access to all content despite shopping personalization. However, shopping personalization allows you to see the content that is more relevant to you sooner.
Legal basis: The legal basis for processing your data for shopping personalization as part of personalized services is Article 6 paragraph 1 letter b GDPR. The legal basis for processing your data as part of onsite optimization is Article 6 paragraph 1 letter f GDPR, whereby our legitimate interests lie in the purposes mentioned above. The legal basis in Swiss law can be found in Articles 6, 30 and 31 DSG.
Research, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI)
We process the data collected about our customers for scientific research in the areas relevant to the FWG. These are in particular the research areas of machine learning, artificial intelligence, natural language processing and deep learning. The research at FWG focuses on solving real, everyday problems in online shopping and is intended to improve and further develop the existing service offering. For example, we may develop apps that can suggest products tailored to your interests and needs and that can recognize styles and match products that match your actual interests. Of course, we observe the recognized scientific data protection standards. This also means that we only process your data in aggregated, anonymized or pseudonymized form for research purposes, for example by replacing all identifiable data such as your name with other information.
Research at FWG includes the following purposes:
- The development of machine learning techniques that provide estimation, forecasting, and analysis of our users' needs and interests. The development of technical solutions for real customer problems.
- The development of technical solutions for the optimization of business and logistics processes.
- The development of technical solutions to improve and evolve shopping personalization and fraud prevention.
- To participate in research communities with private and academic collaborators.
Legal basis: The legal basis for processing your data for the research purposes described above is Article 6(1)(f) DSGVO, where our legitimate interests lie in the above purposes. You can find the legal bases in Swiss law in Art. 6, 30 and 31 DSG.
Fraud prevention, selection of payment methods and credit assessment
Fraud prevention
To counteract the risk of data security breaches, the data of the users of our services are transmitted in encrypted form. This applies to both the order and the login with the customer account. For this purpose, we use the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) coding system. Due to the encryption, the data cannot be viewed by third parties. In order to additionally protect ourselves from external attacks, we use special security technologies that continuously monitor our systems and immediately detect and display any anomalies. In addition, we use technical and organizational measures to secure our systems against loss, destruction, unauthorized access, modification or dissemination of customer data by unauthorized persons. In this way, we want to keep the risk of unauthorized access as low as possible; after all, the protection of your data is our top priority. Nevertheless, just like other companies, we cannot guarantee absolute protection.
In addition, we use technical and manual fraud prevention procedures to protect us and our users from misuse of your data, especially through fraudulent orders. For this purpose, FWG may combine and evaluate your device and access data (including IP address, identifiers, usage behavior), purchase data and payment data as well as the change history of your profile data (e.g. when your delivery addresses were last changed there) under a pseudonym when you place an order. In the process, the data set is also compared with your previous usage and ordering habits. In addition, matching also takes place with general data records from the total number of orders placed with FWG in which fraudulent acts have been committed or such acts are suspected. The purpose of this matching is to identify fraud patterns and prevent fraud and identity theft by matching the patterns. In some cases, if the risk of fraud is determined to be very high based on our analysis, we may cancel orders or disable accounts to minimize the risk of fraudulent orders and protect users whose accounts have been hacked. If our security system suspects a fraud attempt or an increased risk of fraud, the transaction in question will be forwarded to the FWG Privacy Team for manual review. Taking into account the risk of fraud, appropriate preventive measures are taken (e.g. temporary blocking of the customer's account or restriction of the payment methods offered).
These providers collect and process data with the help of cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the terminal device used by the user and other data about the use of the website. An assignment to a specific user does not take place.
As part of an order process on our websites, we retrieve a risk assessment on the user's terminal device from the provider database. This risk assessment on the probability of a fraud attempt takes into account, among other things, whether the end device has dialed in via different service providers, whether the end device has a frequently changing geo-reference, how many transactions have been made via the end device and whether a proxy connection is used.
Legal basis: Insofar as the processing of your data is carried out for the prevention of fraud at your expense, the legal basis is Article 6(1)(b) DSGVO. Otherwise, this processing of your data is based on Article 6(1)(f) DSGVO, based on our and other users' legitimate interest in detecting and preventing fraud and solving crimes. You can find the legal basis in Swiss law in Art. 6, 30 and 31 DSG.
Credit assessmen
If you apply for purchase on account with us, creditworthiness data from external credit agencies in the form of score values will be used in addition to the data already available to FWG. Score values are statistically based estimates of a person's future risk of non-payment and are presented as a numerical value, such as a percentage. For this purpose, FWG transmits the personal data required for a credit assessment (generally your full name, address and, if necessary, date of birth) to the external agency. Address data may also be taken into account for the calculation of the score value. The credit agency uses the data transmitted by us to make an appropriate assessment of your creditworthiness on the basis of mathematical-statistical procedures.
Depending on the result of the credit check, i.e. whether it is positive or negative, we will enable you to purchase on account.
Sofern du damit nicht einverstanden bist, kannst du uns dies schriftlich oder per E-Mail an mitteilen. Wir werden dann die Entscheidung unter Berücksichtigung deines Standpunktes erneut überprüfen.
Legal basis: The legal basis for the credit check described above is Article 6(1)(b) DSGVO, as it is necessary for the performance of necessary pre-contractual measures. Otherwise, this processing of your data is based on Article 6(1)(f) DSGVO, based on our and other users' legitimate interest in avoiding payment defaults, detecting and preventing fraud and solving crimes. The legal basis in Swiss law can be found in Art. 6, 30 and 31 DSG.
Transmission of data about outstanding debts to collection service providers
If you fail to pay outstanding invoices despite repeated reminders, we may transmit the data required for the commissioning of a collection service provider to a collection service provider for the purpose of collecting the debt. Alternatively, we may sell the outstanding debt to a collection service provider, who can then assert the claim in its own name.
Legal basis: the legal basis for the transfer of data within the scope of trustee collection is Art. 6(1)(b) DSGVO; the transfer of data within the scope of the sale of receivables is based on Art. 6(1)(f) DSGVO. The legal basis in Swiss law can be found in Art. 6, 30 and 31 DSG.
Advertising and market research, data analysis
We use your data, including in the context of data analyses, for advertising and market research purposes. In particular, we pursue the following purposes:
- Classification into different target and user groups as part of market research (user segmentation).
- Insights into different target groups and their respective usage habits and shopping interests.
- The acquisition of insights into the demographics, interests, shopping and usage habits of our users and the marketing of these insights as part of advertising services
- provided to third parties.
- The performance of existing customer advertising.
- The performance of direct advertising, e.g. in the form of newsletters.
- The planning, execution and success monitoring of advertising that corresponds to the interests of the target groups addressed (personalized advertising).
- Insights into how our services are used (usage analysis).
- The marketing of the above-mentioned findings as part of advertising services for advertising customers.
Depending on the purpose, we use the data stored by us for data analyses. For example, we use summarized (aggregated), statistical, depersonalized (anonymized) profile data or data that can only be assigned to persons via further intermediate steps (pseudonymized profile data) as well as purchasing data and device and access data for analyses of purchasing processes. We thereby gain anonymous or pseudonymized insights into the general usage behavior of our users.
We process your data on the basis of a balancing of interests to protect the legitimate interests of us or a third party (this may be, for example, advertising partners or dealers who participate in the partner program of FWG). The legitimate interest of FWG or third parties in the data processing results from the respective purposes and is, unless otherwise stated, of a competitive and economic nature.
Legal basis: Insofar as data processing for the purposes described above is carried out with your consent, the legal basis is Article 6(1)(a) DSGVO (consent). Otherwise, data processing is based on Article 6(1)(f) DSGVO, where the legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes. The legal basis in Swiss law can be found in Art. 6, 30 and 31 DSG.
Product and technology development
- The development and improvement of personalized services and technologies for data analysis, advertising, and personalized online shopping.
- The development of technologies and concepts for improving IT security, preventing fraud, and improving data privacy, e.g., through pseudonymization, encryption, and anonymization techniques.
- The development and testing of software solutions for the optimization of necessary business and logistics processes.
Legal basis: The legal basis for processing your data for product and technology development purposes is Article 6(1)(f) DSGVO, where our legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes. You can find the legal bases in Swiss law in Art. 6, 30 and 31 DSG.
Business management and business optimization
We transmit and process your data as necessary for administrative and logistical processes and to optimize business processes within FWG in order to make them more efficient and legally secure and to comply with our contractual and legal obligations (e.g. commercial and tax retention obligations). Within FWG, many systems and technologies are shared. This allows us to provide a more affordable, secure, consistent and personalized service. Therefore, various companies within FWG will have access to your data to the extent necessary to fulfill the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy.
In addition, data processing for business management and business optimization also includes, for example, the following purposes:
- The implementation and improvement of customer service.
- The prevention and investigation of criminal acts.
- Ensuring the security and operability of our IT systems.
Legal basis: The legal basis for processing your data for business management and business optimization is Article 6(1)(f) DSGVO, whereby our legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes. Insofar as we process your data due to legal requirements, e.g. tax law retention obligations and money laundering checks, the legal basis is Article 6(1)(c) DSGVO. You can find the legal basis in Swiss law in Art. 6, 30 and 31 DSG.
Based on your consent
If you have given us consent to process personal data, your consent is the primary basis for our data processing. Which of your data we process based on your consent depends on the purpose of your consent. Typical purposes are for example:
- The subscription to a newsletter.
- Participation in guest surveys and market research studies.
- Participation in customer loyalty programs such as "Rewardz by FWG".
Other purposes
If data protection law permits, we may also use your data without your consent for new purposes, such as conducting data analyses and further developing our services and content. The prerequisite for this is that these new purposes for which the data is to be used were not yet determined or foreseeable when the data in question was collected and the new purposes are compatible with the purposes for which the data in question was originally collected. For example, new legal or technical developments and novel business models and services may lead to new processing purposes.
Personalized Services
Developing and delivering personalized functionality and services for you is our top priority. We offer you an individual shopping experience and a range of services tailored to your individual interests, regardless of the place, time and devices you use. The processing of your data to personalize our services is therefore an integral part of FWG's service.
What are personalized services?
Personalized services allow us to provide you with better, more convenient and more secure services. To do this, we use the data we have stored about you to determine your needs and interests. On this basis, we can offer you more relevant content that better meets your needs and interests. Of course, you still have access to all content. Through personalization, however, you will see the content that is more relevant to you earlier or content will be presented to you in a special way (e.g. in the form of individual product recommendations).
Why do I need a customer account?
Most of our personalized services require you to create a customer account so that we can store the data we collect about you in a central location.
What data is stored about my customer account?
For your customer account, data that we collect about you, as well as your customer number and orders are stored. The customer number is a generated sequence of numbers that does not contain any personal data. Your data is linked to your customer number in order to be able to assign you to your customer account.
What data is used for personalization?
The selection of personalized content is generally based on all data stored for your customer account. If device and access data is used that is not stored for your customer account, it will only be used for the respective personalization in pseudonymized form (e.g., in connection with your customer number, but not in connection with your name or other directly identifying profile data) for the duration of use.
Not used:
- Creditworthiness data
- Data in the case of promotions and surveys
- Applications
- Messages (e.g. from customer service)
Your choices
In your customer account, you can view most of the data that we have stored about your customer account at any time. If necessary, you can also edit this data there and in this way influence the personalization, for example by communicating your preferences.
If the personalization is based on device and access data, you can prevent the collection of this data by deactivating the collection of this data by tracking tools. Please note, however, that you will then receive less or no personalized content and service. Please note that the data used for the personalized services is also needed for other purposes (including the provision of our services). The collection of the data used for this purpose is therefore not terminated by deactivation. However, the advertising presented to you will not be personalized.
Info about websites and apps
We use your data to provide the FWG websites and apps. In addition to the device and access data that is generated each time you use these services, the type of data processed and the processing purposes depend in particular on how you use the functions and services provided via our services. In addition, we use the data generated by the use of our services to find out how our online offer is used. Among other things, we use this information for shopping personalization, to improve our services, and for personalized advertising.
You can find the responsible provider of the service in the imprint of the respective website or app.
What data is collected?
We generally collect any data that you provide directly to us through our Services.
Device and access data
Every time you access our servers and databases, device and access data is collected and logged in so-called server log files. The IP address contained therein is anonymized for a short time after the end of the respective access, as soon as the storage is no longer necessary for maintaining the functionality of the respective website.
If available and enabled on your device, we also collect a device-specific identifier (e.g., a so-called "Advertising ID" if you use an Android device or "Ad ID" if you use an Apple device). This device identifier is assigned by the manufacturer of your device's operating system and can be read and used by websites and apps to present you with content based on your usage habits. If you do not want this to happen, you can disable it at any time in your device's browser settings or system preferences.
We set up password-protected personal access for users who register for a customer account or other service. Unless you log out after logging in with your login information, you will automatically remain logged in to most of our services. Depending on the type of service, a cookie or similar technology is used for this purpose. This feature allows you to use some of our services without having to log in again each time. For security reasons, however, you will be asked to enter your password again if, for example, you want to change your profile data. For more information, see "Personalized Services".
Social Plug-ins
Our Services may contain social plug-ins ("Plug-ins") from various social networks. With the help of these plug-ins, you can, for example, share content or recommend products. When the plug-ins are activated, your web browser establishes a direct connection with the web servers of the respective social network. The content of the plug-in is then transmitted directly from the social network to your web browser, which integrates it into our website. By integrating the plug-ins, the social network receives the information that you have accessed the corresponding page of our website and can record your device and access data. If you are logged in to the social network, it can also assign the visit to your account with the respective social network. If you interact with the plug-ins, for example by clicking the Facebook "Like" button or posting a comment, the corresponding information is transmitted from your browser directly to the social network and stored there. For the purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and use of the data by social networks, as well as your rights in this regard and setting options for protecting your privacy, please refer to the privacy notices of the respective networks or websites.
You can find the links to these below. Even if you are not logged in to the social networks, websites with active social plug-ins can send data to the networks. An active plug-in sets a cookie with an ID each time the website is called up. Since your web browser sends this cookie along without being asked every time you connect to a server, the social network could in principle use it to create a profile of which websites the user belonging to the ID has called up. And it would then also be quite possible to assign this ID to a person later - for example, when logging on to the social network at a later time.
Shopping Personalization
In our services, the device and access data from the usage analysis that accrue during use are used for shopping personalization. Depending on the type of service, common tracking technologies are used for this purpose using tracking pixels and identification cookies or comparable IDs (so-called tagging). In addition, our advertising partners may also collect your device and access data in this way to provide us with information about your interests and demographic data (such as age, gender, region) during your use of our Services. This allows us to present you with advertisements and/or special offers and services whose content matches your interests (for example, product recommendations based on the fact that you have viewed only vegetarian dishes in recent days). Our goal is to make our offer as attractive as possible for you and to present you with advertisements that match your areas of interest. Of course, you can still use all content and functions. However, this onsite optimization enables us to show you content and functions that are more relevant to you first. Onsite optimization is performed automatically by our systems, which recognize that users have accessed more products and content in certain categories.
Website cookies info
Our websites use cookies. Accepting cookies is not a requirement to visit our websites. However, please note that our websites may have limited functionality if you do not accept cookies. You can set your web browser to accept cookies only if you agree to this.
The cookies used by our websites may originate from FWG or from advertising partners. If you only want to accept the FWG cookies, but not the cookies from our advertising partners, you can select a corresponding setting in your browser (e.g. "Block third-party cookies"). As a rule, the help function in the menu bar of your web browser will tell you how to reject new cookies and disable those you have already received. We recommend that if you use shared computers that are set to accept cookies and Flash cookies, you log out completely when you are finished using our websites.
Two categories of cookies are used for our services:
Necessary cookies: These cookies are necessary for optimal navigation and operation of the website. For example, the shopping cart function is implemented with these cookies, so that the goods remain stored in your shopping cart while you continue shopping. The necessary cookies are also used to save certain entries and settings that you have made, so that you do not have to keep repeating them, as well as to tailor content from FWG to your individual interests. Without necessary cookies, the website cannot be used or can only be used to a limited extent.
Non-essential cookies: Statistics cookies collect device and access data to analyze the use of our websites, such as which areas of the website are used and how (so-called browsing behavior), how quickly content is loaded and whether errors occur. These cookies contain only anonymous or pseudonymous information and are used only to improve our website and find out what interests our users, as well as to measure how effective our advertising is. Statistics cookies can be blocked without affecting the navigation and operation of the website. Marketing cookies are identifiers and collect device and access data to tailor personalized advertising on FWG websites to your individual interests. Our advertising partners who operate online advertising networks also collect device and access data on our websites. This allows us to show you personalized advertising on other websites and in apps from other providers that matches your interests (so-called retargeting). Marketing cookies can be blocked without affecting the navigation and operation of the website. However, shopping personalization may not be possible in this case.
Apps info
App Stores / Installation
The FWG apps are available via app platforms operated by third parties, so-called app stores (e.g. Google Play and Apple App Store). The download may therefore require prior registration with the respective app store. FWG has no influence on the processing of your data in connection with your registration and use of these app stores. In this respect, the operator of the respective app store is solely responsible. If necessary, please contact the respective app store operator directly for more information.
Location-based services
The features of some of our apps use your device's location services to collect location data. This is done for the purpose of providing you with app-based services and content tailored to your current location. For example, an app may show you restaurants in your area and suggest products that match the weather in your current location. If you allow the app to access location services, your location will be regularly transmitted to us for this purpose. We do not create movement profiles from this data.
Push service
Our apps can notify you about certain events or topics with push notifications, even if you are not actively using the app. Push notifications are an app-specific form of messaging that allows us to reach out to you directly. If you don't want this, you can disable the push service at any time in your device settings and in the settings within the app.
When you activate the push notification service, a device-specific push ID is assigned to your device. Without a push ID, no push messages can be sent to you for technical reasons. The push ID is only an encrypted, randomly generated string of numbers.
System permissions
For some features, our apps need to access certain interfaces and data on your device. Depending on the operating system you use, this may require your explicit permission. Below, we explain which permissions (if relevant for the processing of your data) our app may ask for and for which kind of functions these permissions are required. You can adjust the permission settings in the system settings of your device at any time.
- Location services / location data: Permission to access your device's location services is required for an app to access the location detected by your device. If you don't allow access, you may not be able to view content based on your location, or your ability to view content based on your location may be limited.
Notifications/push messages: Permission is required to use the - Push service. On some devices, permission is enabled by default for all apps.
- access to saved photos (read access) or to save photos created by an app on your device (write access).
- Camera: Permission is required to allow an app to use your device's camera function
- device's camera function, for example to take photos or to capture QR codes. The respective app will only access the camera when you select a corresponding function in the app.
- Mobile data (iOS) or access to all networks and network connections
access (Android): When using or installing some apps, these permissions are requested to allow the respective app to transfer data via your device's internet connection (via WLAN or data connection). This permission may be required to enter your data in the app,
e.g. in the context of a search to our servers. - Change or delete USB memory/SD card contents and read USB memory/SD card contents: These permissions are required to enable the respective app to store data in the memory or, if applicable, on a used auxiliary memory of your device or to read it out again from there. The respective app will only read out the data that was saved in connection with the use of this app.
Usage analysis
We use common tracking technologies in all our services to analyze device and access data. This enables us to learn how our service is generally used by our users. Identification cookies and comparable identifiers are used. In this way, we learn, for example, which content and topics are particularly popular, at which times our services are used particularly frequently, from which regions (down to city level) our services are used, and which browsers and devices our users generally use.
In addition, we also occasionally conduct so-called A/B tests as part of the usage analysis. A/B tests are a special variant of usage analysis. A/B testing (also known as split testing) is an approach to comparing two versions of a website or app to learn which version performs better, is more popular, or lets users find the content they're looking for faster. Creating a version A and a version B and testing both versions provides data that can be used to facilitate and accelerate decisions about changes to services and content.
You can find out which tracking tools are used in our websites and apps on the respective websites in the cookie policies.
There you will also find information on how to deactivate usage analysis. You can deactivate the processing of your data for usage analysis at any time: In the FWG webshops, you will find this function directly next to the link that also took you to this privacy policy.
Info on social media fanpages
FWG maintains social media profiles on social networks such as Facebook and Instagram (known as "fanpages"). On our fanpages, we regularly publish and share content, offers and product recommendations. With every interaction on our fanpages or other Facebook or Instagram websites, the operators of the social networks record your usage behavior with cookies and similar technologies. Fan page operators may view general statistics about the interests and demographic characteristics (such as age, gender, region) of the fan page audience. If you use social networks, the type, scope and purposes of the processing of data on social networks are primarily determined by the operators of the social networks.
Provider / Responsible
The social networks Facebook and Instagram are each offered by Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland ("Facebook").
If you communicate directly with us via our fan pages or share personal content with us, FWG is responsible for processing your data. An exception applies to the data processing described below for usage analysis (page insights); we are jointly responsible for this with Facebook.
Processing of your data by Facebook
Please note that Facebook also processes your data when you use our fan pages for its own purposes, which are not shown in this privacy policy. We have no influence on these data processing procedures at Facebook. In this respect, we refer to the data protection information of the respective social networks:
What data is collected?
When you visit our fan pages, FWG generally collects all messages, content and other information that you share directly with us there, such as when you post something on a fan page or send us a private message. Of course, if you have an account on the social network in question, we may also see your public information, such as your username, information in your public profile, and content you share with a public audience. For more information, see "What data does FWG process?".
Usage analysis (page insights)
With every interaction with fan pages, Facebook records the usage behavior of the fan page visits with cookies and similar technologies. On this basis, the fan page operators receive so-called "page insights". Page insights contain only statistical, depersonalized (anonymized) information about visitors to the fan page, which can therefore not be assigned to any specific person. We have no access to the personal data used by Facebook for the creation of Page Insights ("Page Insights data"). The selection and processing of Page Insights data is carried out exclusively by Facebook.
With the help of page insights, we gain knowledge about how our fanpages are used, which interests our fanpage visitors have, and which topics and content are particularly popular. This allows us to optimize our fan page activities, for example, by better addressing the interests and usage habits of our audience when planning and selecting our content.
Legal basis: Insofar as you have given your consent to Facebook with regard to the creation of page insights described above, the legal basis is Article 6(1)(a) DSGVO (consent). Otherwise, the legal basis is Article
6(1)(f) DSGVO, whereby our legitimate interests lie in the above-mentioned purposes. The legal basis in Swiss law can be found in Art. 6, 30 and 31 DSG.
What data protection rights do I have?
Your data protection rights described under "What data protection rights do I have?" naturally also exist with regard to the processing of your data in connection with our fan pages.
For more information about your privacy rights in connection with Page Insights and how you can exercise them directly with Facebook, please click here:
We offer you various newsletter services that include
- Inspirational content, e.g. latest information about products, offers;
- Reminders, e.g. if you haven't ordered from FWG for a while;
- Surveys, for example, to find out if you liked our services;
- Personalized recommendations of products, if we assume, based on your previous orders and your surfing habits, that these might be of interest to you;
If you have subscribed to newsletters, some of the newsletter services described above are available to you. In addition, there are service-specific newsletters that are integral components of a particular service.
How do I subscribe?
When we send our newsletters that require your consent, we use the so-called double opt-in procedure, i.e. we only send the newsletter if you have explicitly given us your consent to activate the newsletter beforehand.
In the double opt-in process, you must also have previously confirmed that the e-mail address provided to us is your own e-mail address. For this purpose, we will send you an e-mail notification and ask you to confirm that you are the owner of the e-mail address provided to us by clicking on one of the links contained in the e-mail. We may choose not to do this if you have already confirmed to us that you are the owner of that email address in another matter in the manner described above.
In addition, you may receive promotional messages from FWG without subscribing to a newsletter (subject to competition law), e.g. individual recommendations after your last purchase.
In order to provide you with more personalized content, FWG collects data based on your past interaction with FWG and your use of FWG services. For example, if you open our newsletters more frequently, this is an indication to us that you are interested in them and that your needs are being met in terms of frequency and content of the emails.
If you no longer wish to receive emails from us, you can unsubscribe at any time by using the unsubscribe link available in every newsletter and promotional message you receive from us. In addition, you may send a notice in text form (e.g., email, letter) to the FWG company responsible for the relevant newsletter.
Contact to unsubscribe or if you encounter difficulties.
What data is collected?
When you subscribe to a newsletter, in addition to the data you provide, we also temporarily store your IP address and the time of your subscription and confirmation. In this way, we can prove that you have actually subscribed to the newsletter, and we can also identify any unauthorized use of your e-mail address.
We collect device and access information when you interact with newsletters, transactional emails, and push notifications. For assessments of this type, newsletters contain links to image files stored on our web servers. When you open a newsletter, your email program uploads these image files from our web server. We record the device and access data under a randomly generated ID number (newsletter ID). This allows us to track if and when a newsletter was opened. The links contained in the newsletters also contain your newsletter ID, so we can determine which content was read. To personalize communications, we collect, open and click on data to deliver relevant communications to you. We aggregate the data for the newsletter ID and link your newsletter subscription to your customer account to personalize the newsletter content according to your interests and usage habits and to statistically analyze the way our users use the newsletter service.
This shopping personalization is an essential part of the FWG Shop newsletter. We combine this data with other data we collect as part of usage analytics if you opt-in to analytic tracking in the "Data Settings" section of our website. Alternatively, you can disable the display of images in your email program. In this case, however, the newsletter will not be displayed in full.
Individual product recommendations via e-mail and push service
As part of our services, we present information and offers from FWG based on your interests. You will receive a limited number of product recommendations, surveys and requests for product reviews from us, even if you have not subscribed to a newsletter. When selecting individual product recommendations, we prefer to use the data from your previous orders in compliance with legal requirements. For more information about personalizing individual recommendations, see "Personalized Services". If you do not wish to receive personalized product recommendations by email from us, you can opt-out at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link available in each email or by sending an email to Push notification settings can be disabled in the app.
We use the data provided when ordering FWG vouchers to check and process the order and to send and redeem the voucher. This also includes the logging and processing of data related to the use of the voucher, in particular to prevent fraud.
For these purposes, we additionally store the following data:
- Date of issue
- Voucher value
- Voucher code
- Personalization data (if given by you)
- Name of the person entitled to the voucher (for personalized vouchers)
- Time of voucher redemption
- Name of the redeemer and the customer account ID of the account used for the redemption.
How does FWG use my data for advertising?
We and our advertising partners use your data for personalized advertising that is presented to you in the services of FWG and on the websites and apps of other providers. To do this, we and our advertising partners use standard market Internet technologies. This allows us to target our advertising more precisely so that we can only present you with advertising and offers that are actually relevant to you. This allows us to better meet our users' needs for personalization and discovery of new products, and to keep you interested in our services over the long term by providing a more personalized shopping experience.
Advertising formats and channels
The advertising formats used by FWG and FWG advertising partners include presentations in the FWG webshops (as part of onsite and in-app optimization), advertisements in social networks (e.g. Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Video Ads) and advertising space brokered via the online advertising networks used by FWG. FWG does not sell personal data.
Information that we use for the creation of target groups
To create target groups, we use our own findings from data analysis on the usage and purchasing behavior of our users and customers as well as our market research for user segmentation, which we apply to the user data collected at FWG. In particular, we take into account aggregated, pseudonymized or anonymized purchase data, search histories, interest data and demographic profile data as well as device and access data.
Our advertising partners also have the option of additionally providing us with their own data for user segmentation, which is collected by the advertising partners themselves. The advertising partners must undertake vis-à-vis FWG to transmit only aggregated, encrypted data or data that is anonymous for FWG, so that we cannot assign the data to any specific person, in particular to any specific user of the FWG webshop. For some target groups, the target group creation is also based on the user's surfing behavior. This is the case when advertising is to be presented only to users who have recently visited a certain website or searched for certain content.
How we use this information for online advertising in the FWG web stores and in other FWG services
We use the above information as part of onsite optimization to present you with more relevant recommendations and content when you search for products, access your feed, or visit a product section. Onsite and in-app optimization relies on cookies and similar identification technologies to collect device and access data pseudonymously. This data is not used to identify you personally, but is used solely for a pseudonymous evaluation of your usage. At no time will your data be permanently combined with other personal data stored by us. With this technology, we can present you with products and/or special offers and services whose content is based on the device and access data (for example, advertising that is targeted to the fact that only vegan products have been viewed in the last few days).
In social networks
If we carry out advertising via the advertising formats of social networks (e.g. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram), we have the option of passing on information about the users of the FWG services (e.g. device and access data such as advertising and cookie IDs, e-mail addresses), of whom we suspect that they belong to the target group of an advertiser or have these certain characteristics (e.g. age group, region, interests), to the respective social network in encrypted form. The respective social network will then - either on our behalf as a processor or with the consent of the user concerned - decrypt the data transmitted by us and present the user (if he is a member of the respective social network) with the advertising booked by us within the scope of his existing user relationship with the respective social network.
If you have consented to the transfer of your data to social networks, you can revoke your consent at any time.
You may also have the option to deactivate the use of your data for personalized advertising by the social networks you use directly with the respective providers. For more information, please contact them directly:
Facebook (Facebook, Instagram):
Google (Google advertising network, YouTube, Google search):
On advertising spaces brokered via online advertising networks (retargeting)
Advertising partners who operate an online advertising network may use cookies and similar technologies in the FWG stores and in apps of other providers to pseudonymously record your usage behavior based on device and access data. These advertising partners use the collected data to identify how likely you are to belong to the target group we address and take this into account when selecting advertisements on the advertising spaces served via its online advertising network. This standard Internet technology is referred to as "retargeting." Retargeting allows us to serve ads that are as relevant to you as possible and to measure the effectiveness and reach of the ads, as well as to review our advertising partners' billings for campaigns served.
You can deactivate the processing of your data for retargeting at any time: for our websites, you can also deactivate retargeting by participating online advertising networks on the deactivation page of the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance (EDAA): Disable further advertising.
Please note that the data used for retargeting is also needed for other purposes (including the provision of our services). The collection of the data used for this purpose is therefore not terminated by deactivation. However, the advertising presented to you will not be personalized.
To whom will my data be passed on?
FWG only passes on your data if this is permitted under Swiss or European data protection law. We work particularly closely with a number of trusted service providers, for example in the area of customer service, with technical service providers (e.g. operation of data centers) or with various order processors. These service providers may only process your data on our behalf under special conditions. If we use them as processors, the service providers will only have access to your data to the extent and for the period of time that is necessary for the provision of the respective service. When transferring your data to third parties, we also oblige them to handle your data in the same way as we do ourselves. In particular, third parties may not use your personal data for their own purposes (e.g. marketing).
We also use service providers abroad. In principle, we process personal data in Switzerland and in the European Economic Area (EEA). However, we may also export or transfer personal data to other countries, in particular in order to process it or have it processed there. When using our IT solutions and operating systems (e.g. Microsoft 365) as well as our marketing mailings (e.g. Mailchimp), data may also be transferred to the USA or Ireland.
Where possible, your data will be stored and processed in Switzerland or in the European Union. The transfer and processing of your data to the USA or other countries with lower data protection standards cannot be avoided for organizational reasons (e.g. newsletter data to Mailchimp or the general use of Microsoft products).
We may export personal data to all countries provided that the law there ensures adequate data protection in accordance with the decision of the Swiss Federal Council and - if and to the extent that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is applicable - in accordance with the decision of the European Commission. We may also transfer personal data to countries whose law does not ensure adequate data protection, provided that data protection is ensured for other reasons, in particular on the basis of standard data protection clauses or with other appropriate safeguards. By way of exception, we may export personal data to countries without adequate or appropriate data protection if the special data protection law requirements for this are met, for example the express consent of the data subjects or a direct connection with the conclusion or performance of a contract.
FWG Company
Within FWG, many systems and technologies are shared. This enables us to provide you with a cheaper, better, more secure, more consistent and more interesting service. Therefore, within FWG, those companies and departments that need to access your information to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations or to perform their respective functions within FWG will have access to your information.
Courier companies and processors
For the execution of orders, we work in some cities with external courier Unterhemen (eg Gastro Kurier GmbH) and other order processors (eg NoTime). These companies receive the following data from us for the execution of the respective order:
- Your name
- Your delivery address
- Your shopping cart
- Your e-mail address
- Your phone number
- Your payment method
To accept and process reservations, we work together with external order processors (e.g. Lunchgate). These companies receive the following data from us for the execution of the respective order:
- Your name
- Your address
- Your reservation data
- Your e-mail address
- Your phone number
Technical service providers
We work with technical service providers to deliver our services. These service providers include, for example, Microsoft, ORO CRM. If they process your data outside of Switzerland or the European Union, this may result in your data being transferred to a country with a lower data protection standard than that in Switzerland or the European Union.
Payment service provider
FWG offers various payment options, such as payment by credit card, payment by TWINT and payment on account. For this purpose, payment data may be transmitted to payment service providers with whom we cooperate. For more information on the processing of personal data by payment service providers, please refer to their privacy policies:
- Datatrans AG, Kreuzbühlstr. 26, 8008 Zurich, Switzerland. For more information, please see Datatrans' privacy policy.
- Nets Schweiz AG, Richtistrasse 17, 8304 Wallisellen, Switzerland. For more information, see the privacy policy of Nets Switzerland.
- PostFinance AG, Mingerstrasse 20, 3030 Bern, Switzerland. For more information, see the PostFinance privacy policy.
- TWINT AG, Stauffacherstrasse 41, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland. For more information, see the TWINT privacy policy.
- BONCARD PAYMENT & SERVICES AG, Feldstrasse 34, CH-5442 Fislisbach AG, Switzerland. For more information, see the Boncard privacy policy.
Credit agencies and collection service providers
Service provider for credit checks
Unser Dienstleister für Bonitätsprüfungen zu Verbrauchern ist die Dun & Bradstreet Schweiz AG, Grossmattstrasse 9, 8902 Urdorf, Schweiz. Weitere Informationen findest du in der Datenschutzerklärung von Dun & Bradstreet Schweiz.
Our service provider for credit checks on consumers is Dun & Bradstreet Schweiz AG, Grossmattstrasse 9, 8902 Urdorf, Switzerland. For more information, please see the privacy policy of Dun & Bradstreet Switzerland.
Authorities and other third parties
As far as we are obliged by an official or court decision, or for legal or criminal prosecution, we will pass on your data to law enforcement agencies or other third parties if necessary.
What are my privacy rights?
You have the following right:
- Request information about your personal data processed by us.
- To request that your personal data be handed over in a standard electronic format or transferred to another person in charge;
- to demand the blocking of the data processing, the omission of the disclosure to third parties as well as the correction and destruction;
- revoke your consent once given to us at any time. The consequence of this is that we may no longer continue the data processing in the future, which was based exclusively on this consent.
Please note that these rights may be subject to conditions, exceptions or limitations under applicable data protection law (e.g., to protect third parties or trade secrets). We will inform you accordingly.
Furthermore, in the event of violations of data protection law, you have the ordinary legal process and a right of appeal to the competent supervisory authority. The competent supervisory authority for data protection in Switzerland is the Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC).
Important notes:
- To ensure that your data is not disclosed to third parties in the event of a request for information, please enclose sufficient proof of identity with your request by e-mail or post.
- You can change most of your information yourself in your customer account. For all other cases, please contact customer service.
- If you have given your consent to the processing of your data, you can revoke it at any time. A revocation has no effect on the permissibility of the processing of your data carried out before your revocation.
- You can object to the processing of your data for advertising purposes, including direct advertising (also in the form of data analyses) at any time without giving reasons.
When will my data be deleted?
We will store your personal data for as long as it is necessary for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy, in particular to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations. If applicable, we will also store your personal data for other purposes if or as long as the law allows us to continue storing it for certain purposes, including for the defense of legal claims.
If you close your customer account, we will delete all data stored about you. If a complete deletion of your data is not possible or not required for legal reasons, the relevant data will be blocked for further processing.
Blocking takes place, for example, in the following cases:
- Your order and payment data and, if applicable, other data are generally subject to various statutory retention obligations, such as those arising from the Business Records Ordinance GeBüV . The law obliges us to retain this data for tax audits and financial audits for up to ten years. Only then may we finally delete the data in question.
- Even if your data is not subject to a legal obligation to retain it, we may refrain from immediate deletion in cases permitted by law and instead first block it. This applies in particular in cases where we may still need the data in question for the further processing of the contract or for legal prosecution or legal defense (e.g. in the case of complaints). The relevant criterion for the duration of the blocking is then the statutory limitation periods. After expiry of the relevant limitation periods, the data concerned will be permanently deleted.
Deletion may be waived in cases permitted by law, insofar as anonymous or pseudonymized data is involved and deletion would make processing for scientific research purposes or for statistical purposes impossible or seriously impair such purposes.
How does FWG protect my data?
Your personal data is transferred securely through encryption. This applies to your order and also to the customer login. We use the coding system SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Furthermore, we secure our websites and other systems through technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, modification or distribution of your data by unauthorized persons.
Changes to this Privacy Policy
As we continue to develop our websites and apps and implement new technologies to improve our service to you, we may need to make changes to this privacy notice. Therefore, we encourage you to review this Privacy Policy from time to time.
At you can contact our data protection team at any time with general questions about data protection and the enforcement of your rights.
For direct contact with our data protection officer, please send your request by mail to the address below:
Familie Wiesner Gastronomie AG
Zürichstrasse 131
8600 Dübendorf
Information about cookies & scripts (cookie policy)
The cookies used on the websites of the FWG can be found on the respective websites under «Cookie Policy ».