Our leadership principles are based on the core values of the FWG: colorful, familiar, down-to-earth and radical. These values shape the way we work together and give our managers clear guidance on how to lead and support their teams. In this way, we create a positive working atmosphere together and promote shared success - no matter where we work.
We are determined
TOP team: I have a team that is better than me.
Clear goals: I'm smart and that's why I set my goals that way.
Hospitality: I enjoy being a host and look forward to every visit.
Joint success: I make an important contribution to the success of the FWG.

We try out
Optimism: I can fall down - the important thing is to get up again.
Sticking with it: I pursue ideas and goals despite stumbling blocks.
Requesting support: I am strong and can get help.
Self-reflection: I reflect on my mistakes and try to do better.
We seize opportunities
Offering prospects: I offer my employees prospects and support them in doing so.
Open to new ideas: I also give rocket science ideas a chance and get my team involved.
Promoting strengths: I enjoy strengthening strengths.
Further training: I continue my education and promote my personal development.

We trust each other
Mistake culture: I allow myself and others to make mistakes.
Courage & Confidence: I am brave enough to trust others to do something.
Heart: I represent warmth.
Family vibe: I cultivate a family vibe with my team.
We talk to each other
Discussions: I use employee discussions as an opportunity.
Feedback: I strive for constructive feedback.
Participation: I live an open-door philosophy.
Exchange: I know how important an after-works talk is.

We support each other
Celebration: I celebrate the successes of my team and each individual team member.
Support/Coaching: I help others overcome obstacles.
Enabling: I'm like a Red Bull - I give wings.
Duty of care: I recognize emergency situations and, where necessary, proactively seek help to tackle the problems.
We are curious
Openness: I am open to adventure.
Change management: I know that change is the only constant.
Hungry for knowledge: I regularly feed my brain with knowledge.
Out of my comfort zone: I'm not afraid to leave my comfort zone.

We have fun
Happiness: I know that laughter promotes interpersonal relationships.
Stay positive: I have the attitude that a good day will follow a bad day.
Appreciation: I celebrate good achievements as a team and don't take credit myself.
Attitude: I love what I do, even though it's not always a bed of roses.
We are diverse
Diversity: I recognize each person in their individuality.
Inclusion: I make sure that no one is excluded.
Zero tolerance: I do not tolerate any discrimination or border crossings.
Tolerance: I respect other opinions, even if I don't share them.

We are real
Accountability: I can also laugh at myself.
Authenticity: I own up to my weaknesses and don't hide them.
Decisiveness: I am a leader and take responsibility, even if it is unpleasant.
Transparency: I don't beat around the bush.
We keep our word
Keep my word: I stick to my agreements.
Responsible: I am prepared to accept the consequences of my decisions.
Commitment: I am a person for whom a handshake counts.
Doing: I act - and not I could, should or would act.