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We are Familie Wiesner Gastronomie

Our corporate values are at the heart of FWG - so we cultivate and live the values with the aim that our guests can also experience the FWG spirit.

Our values are an expression of the FWG culture and an important part of our success. They support our employees and help make FWG and its restaurants distinctive.

This is also the basis of our conviction that beautiful experiences in good company make you happy!


  • We are determined
  • We try things out
  • We grab opportunities
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Why I am rocket-like

Carmen: "For others, being an astronaut is a dream job - I'm living my dream in this rocket company.

With a passion for gastronomy, I can take off in the support office as a trained chef with various further training courses under my belt.

🔥 I'm on fire because personal ideas and inputs are ignited.

🚀 Thanks to the fast-moving FWG groove, you develop personally and the FWG at the speed of light."


  • We are curious
  • We have fun
  • We are diverse

My favorite color? Colorful!

Astrid: "Life is as colorful as you dare to paint it. 🌈✨

I am curious, like to try out new things and also go ways where until now there were no tracks. My profession is my calling! In such a great and motivated team (the best of my professional career so far), creative work is even more fun.

I am diverse and open, have creative ideas and enjoy the input of my colleagues and the resulting exchange and team spirit."


  • We trust each other
  • We talk to each other
  • We support each other

My FWG-Family

Simona: "🏡 FWG started in the 90s as a small family business that has not stopped growing to this day. With over 900 employees, it would be easy to lose that sense of connection. But when I started working here, I found in FWG not only an environment where I can fully develop, but a family that supports me and gives me a sense of home.

Meeting people at eye level is something that is rarely found in the working world. Combined with the cohesion and openness that can be felt throughout the company, the term "family-like" takes on a whole new meaning at FWG.❤️"

down to earth

  • We are real
  • We keep our word
  • We are fair

Mit beiden Beinen auf dem Boden geblieben

Jörn: "Bodenständig bedeutet für mich, dass man sich selbst nicht so verdammt ernst nimmt 😉. Dass ich mich an kleinen Dingen gleich erfreue wie an Grossen und dass ich nicht alles für selbstverständlich ansehe.

Das lebe ich mit viel Spass, auch bei der Arbeit, wo kein Scherz zu kurz kommt - gemeinsam mit dem besten Team der Welt. 🤩"